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Incomplete Love Story

Incomplete Love Story


like an unfinished dream, an incomplete story
a letter half written, a forgotten melody;
certain things are better incomplete
like our...

Sunday, December 28, 2014

When Death Comes...

When death comes,
People are wrapped with fear.
I am never welcomed,
Like how life is honored.

Death comes to all,
Some day it would take us away.
Seldom we try to live each moment, 
And then blame it all to god.

Come with me, 
Lie on your death bed.
Don't complain now,
Just smile on your fate.

You lived a complete life, 
Enjoyed every aspect.
Don't regret now, 
It will all come to an end.

Memories may flash in front of your eyes,
You learned to accept the dark reality of life.
Soon this will all end,
And you would begin all over again.

You boomed through those pleasures
Fought with the disappointments
Now shake hand with me
I am the master of your death.

You came alone,
I gave you a family.
You earned friends,
Life surprised you always.

You didn't lose any battle,
Just fell a few times.
You were a winner always,
That's why you were here.

People will remember you,
For the impact you are leaving.
World will wait for you,
For the braveheart you were.

Close your eyes now,
And fall asleep.
I will walk you through this pain,
You won't suffer much.
For I am the master of your world,
I would never betray you...

Friday, December 26, 2014

Lost a Pearl...

My eyes search for you,
Heart longs to hear your voice.
I lost a pearl,
In the strong waves of life.

I tried sailing through the storm
But couldn't hold on to it,
My ship wrecked in the middle
And I lost my gem.

Somehow I swam across the sea
 And reached the shore.
Hoping we would meet,
Was my only thought.

My eyes searched for you
But couldn't find you anywhere.
I was left alone,
Crying in the hot sun.
Nights were long,
Mornings were hollow.

You never turned around to look back,
I was still waiting for you.
You are somewhere far away from me now,
My eyes still search for you,
Heart longs to hear your voice again.

One mistake could prove so rough,
Never knew when our relation turned so tough.
I tried forgetting you
But couldn't,
I tried remembering u,
It hurt.

Befriended my pain I moved on,
Losing the battle I turned rough.
Things were never the same as it was before,
My eyes still search for you,
Heart longs to hear your voice again.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

What will Santa gift me this Christmas?

There has been this myth always in our world that Santa Claus will come and bring happiness in your life. And it has lived for centuries now. Children still ask their parents every Christmas what will Santa gift them? They write letter to Santa, telling them about their life, sharing their little secrets and giving their wish list. There are few people who actually become Santa every Christmas to bring smile on the faces of many people. That is a noble gesture actually, if you make someone happy it fills your heart with immense happiness.

I keep asking myself this question every Christmas, what will Santa gift me? Till now I haven’t received anything.  This Christmas I don’t know why but I am hoping I might get something. Keeping fingers crossed!!!

Christmas is one festival which has its own flavour. Lights, decoration, cakes and wine.  People buy stuffs, decorate their Christmas tree, buy their children gifts and have a good time with friends and family. They don’t celebrate because it’s a festival. They celebrate because they get to spend time with their close ones. I like that part...

I hope this Christmas, Santa gifts me something too. I have been waiting since I was a kid. I am not a religious guy, I don’t believe in many things. I go to church not because I believe in Christianity. I go to church because I get peace of mind which I don’t get in temples. Holy place are meant to be quiet and calm. But the idea of holiness is very different in Hindu religion. Seriously!!!

I don’t want to offend any religion, people have their own beliefs and it is ridiculous to judge anyone’s belief. People do that more often now. They should not. If you don’t believe in something that doesn’t mean others would do the same thing. Point to be noted...

Just a thought crossed my mind this world is reaching its saturation point. Religion has been mixed with terrorism, belief is combined with materialism, faith is dying day by day and humanity is losing its battle every day. Sad but true...

We make resolutions every year but seldom do we fulfil them. Then why make such promises when you know you cannot do justice with them. That is the reason I don’t make any resolutions. True that!!!

If you really want to do something, try to become a good human being. The rest will all fall in its right place. I am not kidding!!!

I am writing after months and I know I am not making any sense. But do we have to make some sense all the time. Sometimes it is fine to just scribble something and don’t make any sense out of it. Try it sometime...

Earlier when I use to write, I was always in pain. I use to channelize my negative thoughts into something positive. And it use to help. Trust me it does!!!

But now things are quite different. I am living my dream. I am happy. And I don’t know how to share this happiness. How to describe the essence of this feeling? How to put it in a right way? Moreover, I return to my home quite late and all I do after coming back from work is sleep. Feel good factor!!!

So today I thought let me write something which might not make any sense and see how it goes. Why I am saying that I am not making any sense because I started with Christmas, talked about the dreams of children, touched upon religion and terrorism, New Year resolution and then came back to my life. And I managed to complete the cycle...

Wish you all Merry Christmas!!!

Hope Santa brings lots of happiness in your life and I expect you to share it with others. Sharing is caring...

I pray that you succeed in your life and I hope that this Christmas you actually bring smile to many faces. There are people out there who are not as lucky as we are. Try to do something for them. You may not try and change the world but a little contribution from you might give happiness to many.

Keep believing, stay safe and be happy.